There is a better way of course and it comes down to firstly, choosing the right company to align yourself with. First of all the monthly fees to join AIOP is 11.50$ and for most people this is affordable and represents a low risk proposition. Compare this price point to the average autoship options most health companies propose which ranges from 65$ to 100$ per month and their compensation plans typically will not allow you to break even until you have enrolled about 3 people. You get paid 10$ on your first, third, fifth, seventh, ninth and so on recruits, ie every odd numbered recruit pays you and the even numbered recruits gets passed up yo your sponsor. This may feel like a drag but for every recruit that you keep, they also have to pass up their even numbered recruits to you. So every one is on an even playing field, not only that but you can build as wide and as deep as you like, earning you potentially thousands each month.
Again this company stands out here too, because unlike the average 1up, 2up companies that provide ebooks you likely will not read, AIOP Provides real value in the form of AUTORESPONDERS and hosting which are more expensive elsewhere, in addition you get the use of many home made professional banners, splash pages and more.
I will talk more about other topics in another post, bye for now