So after I had made the post yesterday, I was very sure that Basic members had an article limit but Pro member did not, turns out that was not the case.
Checking my past emails where I remebered reading about a limit, I saw that Basic members have a 2 article limit and Pro members have a 12 article limit.
And since this blogpost is number 12, it is also my last on Aiop Press.
So what happens next?
Now the reason that I started blogging on Aiop Press instead of running my own wordpress blog was because the one i had got hacked, so I am not in the mood of setting up that again.
Now Wealthy Affiliate would certainly be a good alternative since they are running the wordpress installation, and therefore takes care of security, but there are still a lot of upkeep on all other plugins and updates and design and stuff like that, and I do not really feel that I want to run maintenance.
I want something simple that just works, that is unlimited and that works really well, and let’s me concentrate on creating good content.
So therefore, Hello Steemit!
Now Steemit is a blogging platform and social media running on the Steem blockchain, and it even makes you money just for creating content and interacting with other members.
You apply for a membership, and it should take about a week to get approved, and it’s free to sign up.
I have used this a little before, so I already have a membership, but I never really started using it in a heavy way, however that is now going to change in a big way.
My Steemit blog will now act as my daily blog, and where I will post my daily updates, tips and tricks, and anything that I want to share.
If you want to know more of how Steemit works and how to take advantage of it I recommend SteemSavvy, it have very good info on that, and it is created by Jon Olsson from TimTech.
When you create a new post you can choose between Mardown or a simple editor, and how it works is all included in the FAQ.
So see you on Steemit.
Erik Gustafsson