«I know my payday is coming. I read about an experiment that attempted to measure the power of attitude in rats. The researchers wanted to see how the rats’ attitude affected their will to live. They put one rat in a large tub of water with high sides so it could not get out. Then they put the tub in a dark room. They timed how long the rat would keep swimming before it gave up. The rat lasted a little over three minutes.
Then the researchers put another rat in the same tub, but this time they allowed a bright ray of light to shine into the room. That rat swam more than thirty-six hours, seven hundred times longer than the rat with no light.
Why was that? The rat with no light had no hope. When he looked ahead he saw only darkness. There wasn’t any reason to keep swimming. That’s what happens when we don’t expect God’s favor. We lose faith that we can overcome our obstacles. We don’t believe that God is in control, so we lose our passion, we lose our enthusiasm.
That’s why it’s so important-especially in times of difficulty-to keep reminding yourself, ‘The creator of the universe is guiding my steps. He has me in the palm of His hands. And even though this is difficult, I know it’s just a matter of time before it turns around, I know my payday is coming.’
You may be about to give up on a dream. You think it’s been too long. It will never change. It will never work out. But you must get your fire back. Fan that flame. Keep that dream alive. Even though it’s taking a long time, the good news is, God still has a way to bring it to pass.»
from Joel Osteen, It’s Your Time, Free Press, New York, 2009, pp. 11-12.
Do you dream of being your own boss? Self-employment is the best way to secure financial independence. Do you work from home or wish you did? Or maybe you already have an online business? In either case, your payday is coming! Tap on the «Portal to Prosperity» link below to find out how….
To Your Unlimited Success,
LifeLine Consulting
Grant Rayner
225 Dundas Street
Woodstock, Ontario, Canada
Tel: 519-536-9968
email: grantraynerfamilylaw@gmail.com