Amazon took over retail POINTS… and just as Uber has taken over cabs, digital technology is now taking over our money — how we utilised  it, save it, spend it, and enter into deals and contracts to earn it, lend it, and invest it.


Publish by O.T

A vow that, in only a mater of years…………..

Governments will discover that the majority of the world’s economic power has fled to digital money — a new form of money that can’t be seized, can’t be taken by force, and that only retains its value where property and privacy are respected.

The predictions was coming for years…

Back in 1999, Nobel Prize Winning Economist Milton Friedman explained how this would happen. He wrote:

“One thing that’s missing but will soon be developed is a reliable e-cash, a method whereby on the internet you can transfer funds from A to B without A knowing B or B knowing A — the way I can take a $100 bill and hand it over to you, and you may get that without knowing who I am.”

Why is this Possible , for a several occurences…………

First, as I’m sure you probably know, our entire financial system as it exists today is a optical phenomenon — based on unlimited paper money, and endless credit — created by the government.


Today, our government prints billions of dollars, literally out of thin air. Did you know that again this year, the U.S. government is set to spend another trillion dollars more than we take in, in revenue?

Even more disturbing, 25% of the government debt issued around the world now has negative interest rates.

Negative interest rates, by the way, mean you have to pay the government to lend them your money! In Switzerland, some banks have announced they will begin to charge clients 0.75% per year for large deposits.

Yes, you read that correctly — banks want you to pay them to hold onto your money.

History will look back on this period with disbelief… that so many people could have been fooled, for so long, into thinking that this was a good idea.

These distortions of our monetary system have caused prices for our most critical needs, like health care, housing, and education, to soar to levels beyond the reach of the middle class.

It’s why the rich get richer, while everyone else falls behind.

The rich have access to assets that benefit from all this money creation, like stocks, real estate, art, and private businesses.

Meanwhile… the lights continue to go out for most Americans, as they go deeper and deeper into debt, falling farther behind.

Today American companies and families are deeper in debt than ever in history. Students owe $1.5 trillion in college debt. We owe over $1 trillion on our credit cards. We owe more than $1 trillion for car loans.

Sure, this current system has been great for the wealthy, but we all know it simply cannot last. The financial promises we’ve made simply can’t be kept much longer. The debts we’ve accrued cannot possibly be repaid.

Even worse, anyone holding traditional currencies like dollars, euros or yen — is losing wealth, every single day.

Even if your bank is not yet charging you to hold your money, the worthless currencies issued by today’s governments lose roughly half their purchasing power, roughly each decade!

Look at this chart that shows how much your saved dollars lose value over the years…


Today, our government prints billions of dollars, literally out of thin air. Did you know that again this year, the U.S. government is set to spend another trillion dollars more than we take in, in revenue?

Even more disturbing, 25% of the government debt issued around the world now has negative interest rates.

Negative interest rates, by the way, mean you have to pay the government to lend them your money! In Switzerland, some banks have announced they will begin to charge clients 0.75% per year for large deposits.

Yes, you read that correctly — banks want you to pay them to hold onto your money.

History will look back on this period with disbelief… that so many people could have been fooled, for so long, into thinking that this was a good idea.

These distortions of our monetary system have caused prices for our most critical needs, like health care, housing, and education, to soar to levels beyond the reach of the middle class.

It’s why the rich get richer, while everyone else falls behind.

The rich have access to assets that benefit from all this money creation, like stocks, real estate, art, and private businesses.

Meanwhile… the lights continue to go out for most Americans, as they go deeper and deeper into debt, falling farther behind.

Today American companies and families are deeper in debt than ever in history. Students owe $1.5 trillion in college debt. We owe over $1 trillion on our credit cards. We owe more than $1 trillion for car loans.

Sure, this current system has been great for the wealthy, but we all know it simply cannot last. The financial promises we’ve made simply can’t be kept much longer. The debts we’ve accrued cannot possibly be repaid.

Even worse, anyone holding traditional currencies like dollars, euros or yen — is losing wealth, every single day.

Even if your bank is not yet charging you to hold your money, the worthless currencies issued by today’s governments lose roughly half their purchasing power, roughly each decade!

Look at this chart that shows how much your saved dollars lose value over the years…


Purchasing Power









And if all of that weren’t bad enough…

With the permission of our government, the banks, credit card firms, and other money institutions now get away with ripping off the public at every turn…

Banks pay you nothing in interest… yet charge you $3 or more just to get your own money out of an ATM machine… or $50 to send a bank wire.

Credit card companies get away with charging 20% interest on late payments… but if the credit card company allows someone to fraudulently open up a new credit card in your name, they call it “identity theft” and it’s somehow your fault!

Credit card companies charge businesses 2% to 3% of every purchase made. Trust me… many businesses, including mine, will soon never, ever accept a credit card that charges my company 3% of every sale.

It should be so obvious to anyone who bothers to take a careful look… today’s entire financial system is corrupt, broken, and simply will not last.

The good news is, a new system of money has emerged — and it’s going to radically change our world over the next few years.

And believe me, if you miss out on this development, you are going to regret it for the rest of your life.

Today, nearly every member of the Digerati I know is desperately seeking a way out of our current highly regulated, public, and bankrupt global financial system.

They are getting rid of dollars and moving their money into other assets, including not only gold, but also digital “tokens” and digital currencies, like Bitcoin.

Now look… I know what you are probably thinking…

For years, I was extremely skeptical about Bitcoin, too — because I didn’t understand the software.

But let me show some things about Bitcoin that I can guarantee the general public doesn’t understand…