How to attract customers to your business

Struggling With Mornint Doubts?

If you ever feel a little anxious… Not sure if you should “keep on keepin’ on”… And have any doubts about your ability to succeed…

That’s NORMAL.

In fact, it would be weird if you didn’t.

However, most people let the inner critic get to them, and stop them dead in their tracks.

The key is to realize that it’s an internal battle. It’s all in your head.

And if you ever struggle with this (even silently)…

This is a fantastic opportunity to clone a PROVEN inbound marketing model that’s bringing in hundreds of sales a day on COMPLETE autopilot…

… however, only for a few smart marketers that take advantage of this right away.

The number one question on everyone’s mind is:

“Where can I get unlimited access to my ideal prospects?”

First, let’s rap about who your ideal prospect really is.

This is where a lot of marketers (even the pro’s!) are way off.

Which screws up their chances to succeed online.

Vast mob marketers foolishly believe their best prospect is that guy or gal who’s slaving away in a law firm or some big corporation.

Supposedly this person wants to escape the boredom and monotony of the corporate lifestyle through online marketing. Sorry to burst your bubble, my little ‘GRASSHOPPER’… “We’re in the business of ideas. That’s what Your Instant Publisher sells.

But nothing could be further from the truth.


Because People Feel Comfortable Within Their Comfort Zone!

And people just don’t buy when they’re comfortable.

Here’s how this translates into your business…

People are lazy and complacent.

Even if they kind of hate their job, they will do little to change things around on their own.

They might “look into” the idea of working from home, but they aren’t serious to do anything about it or take action.

(I’m sure you spoke to these types. They say they want to join your business, but they never commit to a decision, right?)

In short…

The prospect won’t move a muscle until he/she is forced outside their comfort zone.

Ironic, isn’t it?

Yet… it’s 100% true.

Most people who are toying with the idea of living the laptop lifestyle start taking it seriously only after getting fired, losing their main source of income or in the light of new evidence which increases the possibility of such incident occurring in the near future.

My point…

It’s the prospects who the Earth move under and feel “Persuasion triggers” the things that drive a response, that which are most likely sign up for your business today.

To these guys and gals, procrastination is simply not an option anymore. 


Cardboard box behind a dumpster.

These prospects are much better than the lawyer type above because the pain of not signing up with you is greater than the pain of paying the admission fee and not taking action.

This begs the question…

How do you get in front of these prospects quickly?

Is it affordable?

And can you do it without taking risks?

The answer is… Yes! Yes! And Yes!   

Don’t guess at anything

Go check it out now, here

All the best,


P.S. At the end of this Masterclass we reveal a way that I can personally help you fast-track all that we reveal in this masterclass. We’ve also added a couple of extra ways to make this ultra-affordable as well. Check it out, and you’ll see what I mean.