How to earn $2 from each of your Facebook Friends
If you have a facebook account and Friends, you can earn $2 from each of them
Welcome to NetBizzz, the Innovative Social Network that pays you to engage.
NetBizzz pays you $2.00 for each user you refer; PLUS earn 25% on all purchases made by your referrals.
Pays you in points to Share your memories, connect with others, make new friends, comment, post article, advertise for free, and much more.
Each 200 points equal $1, where your daily points limit is 1000 Points.
This means, using only the points system, you could earn up to $5 per day simply by doing all that you now do on Facebook.
invite all your Facebook contacts, earn $ for each of them that join, engage with them on NetBizzz and earn up to $5 daily.
The easy way to earn money without investing a dime.
If you want more traffic, more leads to grow any business, NetBizzz is one of those places
Do not be left behind.
Good luck and much success interacting with your friends while building your Business.