One Question and 5 Rules all AIOP Team Leaders Should Know

“Do I want a team that is relying on me to build for them or do I want a team of people working together for their individual and mutual success?”

At the time time of writing this article, there are currently 17 team Builds within AIOP. That is the highest number of Team Builds known to me in the history of any Company I have ever been involved with.

This means, we have at least 17 team leaders leading these team builds. As a team leader, ask yourself this question:

“Do I want a team that is relying on me to build for them or do I want a team of people working together for their individual and mutual success?”

This is the number one question that can determine how successful a team gets or how much money the individuals within the team Will be making ongoing.

Think about this: If you have 400 people relying on you to generate sales for them, you are going to get tired, worn out, frustrated, and experience a LOT of people giving up. You too may give, especially when results do not commensurate with your efforts.

BUT … if you have a team of 400 people, all experiencing success because they are USING a particular and easy to duplicate strategy to generate more sales, you will still experience some giving up.

However, you will also experience incredible growth and momentum as your team approach creates strong individuals applying these simple strategies in their own businesses and in their AIOP affiliate business.

So, what is the most essential, easy to duplicate strategy that can empower AIOP Affiliates to be more productive within the context of a team build that creates more individual and mutual success?

Read further and learn More Here:

Wish you much success in your Business.